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Monday, November 28, 2016


As I watched this video (and I have watched it a couple times) I am so thankful that there are people out there, leaders, who are committed to pause, stop, think, meditate, look deep into God's word and allow it to speak to us, to teach us, to impart truth to our cores and to transform us.
It is a trait, an art, a tool that we so seldom and rarely use or practice anymore. But you can see, as he is asked the question, with what care, respect and quietness he gives his answer. And you can tell he's being cautious as to what he's about to say. And the words that come out of his mouth are so wise. Why? Not because he's a great speaker and he's so smart and awesome and gifted and he knows it all.
The reason his answer is so wise its because it points back to God, His word and his wisdom. We are so quick to give our thoughts, our answers, our insights, from our perceptions and conjectures, and we post all kinds of opinions and non-sense in the social media sites without even thinking of the repercussions and impact that those things we say will have, specially if and when they come based on our own feelings, views, lenses and filters that we see the world through, instead of the word of God.
Brothers and sisters, what is happening to us???

When approached with questions about any issues that are out there and that are relevant to our culture, whether about religion, politics, social or anything, how are we answering them? Are we pointing people to God's word and truth? Or are we merely drilling people with our own wisdom?

Let's be careful that we don't do the latter.
Francis Chan is giving us an example here on how to approach individuals that have real questions and that need real answers.

He's right. Do we believe God is our creator? And if we do, how's that affecting our every day lives? Our thoughts? Emotions? Opinions? Views?
And if He is who he says he is and we believe Him, then we will believe His word. And if we study his word then we can find out the truth that will set us free. We will yield and surrender and accept His truth no matter what. And if we don't, then it's a personal choice.

Let's stop arguing and fighting and putting all our flawed, bias, and personally crafted opinions on social media sites and let's start by pointing people to the truth of God's word as we ourselves commit to doing so in our own lives first. What do you say???

Pointing to God and His word!

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