So, as sit here this morning, after attending my turbo group (a small group of men that meet every Tuesday @ 6am), i am still thinking of some of the things we were discussing during our meeting time.
And we were talking about men being the leaders in our homes, the priests, the ones that are guiding and leading our families. And the discussion turned into talking about our culture, society, and what it is doing to our families and lives altogether.
This is what i mean.
I hear this all the time, and i'm included as well.
"I'm so busy! It's so busy! Life is crazy busy! I don't have time! I feel like a chicken running with the head cut off! I'm going in a 1000 directions all day everyday! Sorry, i can't, i'm too time?
Rain check? I'm running my kids to this practice, and this other practice, and this tournament, and this summer camp, and this league, and, and, and..." It never stops.
We're so busy we have no time for anything, except that which is priority to us.
We allocate our time, effort, resources, energy and commitment to that which is priority to us.
When i titled this blog "somebody help!" i was thinking of the cry of our lives for something or someone to help us slow down cause we realize that truly, our lives are out of control. We have busy schedules and we are great at staying busy, producing results, performing great and looking amazing by the way our schedules are. We are in a race that says "go, go, go, perform, produce, look busy, get involved in everything, sign up for everything, because that's what makes someone successful. It makes us look good, important, and it gives us a sense of significance and meaning.
But there's a huge trap in this, and the trap is to keep us so busy, occupied, and on the go so that we don't slow down and have the time to sit and listen to God speaking to us, cause most of the time, that is the place where he speaks to us at.
Quietness. Solitude. In the secret.
We've fallen into the trap of thinking that a busy schedule means we're successful. That we're accomplished. That we are important.
But deep inside we know that it is all empty. At the end of the day no matter how many things we have accomplished, we still feel empty, void, tired, exhausted and weary of starting all over again next day. I have felt that way.
But here's a nugget of truth for us today...NO ONE IS PUTTING A GUN TO OUR HEADS TO STAY BUSY OR GET BUSY!
We don't have to sign up for everything. We don't need to teach our kids the way of the world as it is right now. This is what the world is teaching our kids. Do, perform, accomplish, sign up, get involved, push stronger, run faster, try harder, etc, etc, etc. And we are teaching our kids that it is never enough. And so they're living with this constant pressure where they never feel like they're enough.
And this is causing hurt and pain in their lives, creating an identity that tells them that in order for them to be successful they need to perform and accomplish.
But that is not what God tells us. That is not how he created us and what he made us for.
He made us to live our lives as an overflow of our relationship with him.
To abide in Him, to quiet down, to listen, to separate time to be in his presence. To slow down enough to allow our hearts to connect with him.
Yes, there's life happening out there, and we are part of this world and society, but we cannot let society dictate to us how we should live our lives. God needs to have the ultimate say.
So, next time you're too busy for God, His presence, or even attending church, remember this...what is the priority in your life and your family's life?
What legacy are you trying to leave with your kids? To be a performer? A great athlete?
Or to know Jesus and the plans and purpose he has for our lives?
Going to church should never be a chore, a burden, and certainly not a mandatory rule.
But is should be a time where as a family, after a crazy week of activities, we all come together to remember who is our priority, who is our leader, our Father and lover, and to refocus and re-prioritize our lives. To remember, if we have surrender our lives to him, who is in control and what really matters.
Everything in this life will pass away. Sports, jobs, academics, accomplishments, etc. Only one thing will remain after all this is gone...our hearts and souls. We are eternal beings.
So, let's refocus and redirect our lives today. What are we living for???
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