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Friday, May 7, 2010

At the cafe right now

So, as I sit here at the coffee shop, with my friend Juan, I can't help but be amazed at the goodness of God and how faithful he is. Juan has been on a journey with me the last few weeks where he has been learning about sin in his life, about torment, the seduction that that torment and shame bring with it, and the trap that seduction offers, the fake and empty relief it brings us and how to stand against it. He has been confessing ugly sins and learning how that doesn't disqualify him from God. How in fact that shame is what keeps us away from God. It goes back to Adam and eve and how they hid from God as soon as they sinned. As we have been chatting here, he's learning that true love can be found and that sin is just that, sin, and it has consequences but it has been paid for, and as long as we bring it to the light and confess it to one another, it loses it's power over us to bring that condemnation in our lives. I can tell he's freer just by being allowed to be real and not judged. Maybe that is what Jesus was trying to communicate when he told the adulterous woman, "where are those who accused you", and then said "neither do I. Go and sin no more".
Thank you for your revelation Jesus

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


davidteran said...

Sweet- this is great stuff! Love you!!!

davidteran said...

Oh, and btw, it's me (Leah), not mexicandude77! :)